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Wall Mural Mockup.jpg
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Period 2 Conclusion Questions:

1. What are the overall strengths of your group's design? Why should your group's design be selected? What specific elements of your design will benefit the students at the MPUSD adult school? 


2. What roles (Photographer, Designer, Surveyor, etc.) did each member of your group complete? 


3. In your opinion, did each member of your group carry the workload equally? Why or why not? 


4. What is one major “real world” takeaway you have from completing this project? How might this help you in the future either personally or professionally?



Period 3 Conclusion Questions:

1. What are the overall strengths of your design? Why should your group's design be selected? What specific elements of your design will benefit the students at the MPUSD adult school? 


2. Explain the steps and importance of creating a materials quote for a client? 

3. What is one major “real world” takeaway you have from completing this project? How might this help you in the future either personally or professionally?


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